Joke: Christian burial for a non-disciple? One morning Rev. Desmond went to the front door of his rectory to get his newspaper and found a dead mule on the street. He quickly called the city health department and asked to have the mule disposed of. The smart secretary on duty said, “Hey, Reverend Pastor, I always heard that you pastors buried your own dead even if they are not practicing Christian disciples”. “Yes, we do” the pastor, replied. “But not in all cases. In this case, I would like to meet the deceased’s close relatives in the Health Department in person to offer my condolences and to give a special blessing.”
After summoning his disciples and instructing them before sending them out, reported in today’s Gospel, What it means when the Lord Jesus said to his disciples, “Do not go into pagan territory or enter a Samaritan town.” Why not go into the pagan territory or enter a Samaritan town because they might mock you just as in the case of Reverend Desmond? “Hey, Reverend Pastor, I always heard that you pastors buried your own dead even if they are not practicing Christian disciples.” This is sad, but it is true. So, how can we become Christian disciples? Or rather, how would we live our Christian disciple? Is it only for priests and religious brothers and sisters?
Through the virtue of Baptism, we are called to be priests, prophets, and kings. Saint Augustine of Hippo in his sermon “On the Anniversary of his ordination” said, “For you, I am a bishop, with you, I am a Christian.” Through the virtue of Baptism, he and all of us are Christians called to be priests, prophets, and kings. As a bishop functions in the highest rank of the Holy Order, he is a bishop so to run his diocese is entrusted to his care. We are all then called to be disciples through our baptism. So, what does it mean to be a disciple? Disciple by name or disciple in action?
Jesus sent out his disciples to go after the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and as you go, Jesus said, “Make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, [and] drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost, you are to give.” We don’t call each other sister in Christ or brother in Christ when we fail to go after her or him who goes astray; when we fail to visit the sick and to console the sorrow; when we expect to get paid and not free service. It is sad “In God we trust” is imprinted on our currency, but not many people show up at Mass or the service. When we need something for our loved one(s), Baptism, for example, First Communion, Confirmation, Wedding, or even funeral, we show up. After our loved one(s) received what he or she needs, we vanished somewhere else. What does Christian disciple mean? What is the Sacrament? When have we received the Sacrament of Baptism? What is the difference between marriage in the Catholic Church and somewhere else? Why do we have a funeral Mass? Don’t have enough money to pay the Church? Our Church asked for $100 to maintain the Church, while a funeral home costs you $10,000. What is the Sacrament of Holy Order? When is the last time you heard of this Sacrament?
Why did God choose the Israelites and not Americans or Chinese or other large nations? It was because he wanted to. However, to be in his favor, the Israelites need to keep their covenant with God as reported in today’s first reading, taken from the book of Deuteronomy, the Lord said to Moses delivered the message to the Israelites saying, “If you hearken to my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my special possession, dearer to me than all other people, though all the earth is mine.” What is the covenant for Christian disciples? Jesus instructed his disciples and us saying, “Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, [and] drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost, you are to give.” All these describe in actions with active verbs—to cure, to raise, to cleanse, to drive out, and to give. A Christian disciple is not passive but active. A Christian disciple is not that saying “Lord, Lord” and expect to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Christian disciple requires a charity act. Why do we have to love each other?
In today’s second reading, Saint Paul reminds the Romans and us how God loves us saying, “God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Even though we are not worthy of his love, he still loves us with his sacrificial offering on the Cross. This love he reminds us to love one another as he loves us. To be Christian disciples, we are reminded to love one another as he has loved us and to keep his commandments. Are you a Christian disciple? How can you be a Christian disciple? How do others know that you are a Christian disciple? The decision is yours.