Youth Conference 03-02-25 cost is $15.00. Event is from 10 AM- 7:30 PM.
St Paul Youth Ministry will be selling Chocolates for your favorite Valentines, after every Mass in the back of the Vestibule. Come out and support our teens. All proceeds will help offset the cost of Stubenville.
New Paragraph
We are inviting all teens to come to Holy hour of Adoration every Monday from 7-8 PM. Afterwards join us in the St Michael Building for refreshments and fellowship
Our parish needs to form a committee for Vocation awareness and prayer. Father Joseph has asked me to gather contact information for those individuals who would be interested in being a part of this group. Once the committee is formed more information would follow as to when and how often it would meet. Please pray on this as a calling from God. Contact me with your information using one of the following: or
Peace be with you,
Deacon Gary Robinson