Joke: A boy told his father, "Dad, there are three frogs sitting on a limb that hung over a pool, and one frog decided to jump off into the pool, how many frogs would be left on the limb?" The dad replied, "Two." "No," the son replied. Dad said, "Oh, I get it, if one decides to jump, the others would too. So there are none left." The boy said, "No dad, the answer is three. The frog only DECIDED to jump."
Last week, we presented to u our financial report for the year 2024. Thank God for your generosity that we saved over five thousand dollars over the year. This week, we begin to kick off our Bishop’s Stewardship Appeals, BSA, of 2025. The goal for our parish hasn’t come down but a little increased even though our congregation attendants have decreased. We ask you to pray about it and decide, and next weekend, remember to bring your wallet to pledge BSA this year. If we just decide and don’t write a check for it, the five thousand dollars we saved from last year will be gone by a snap of the fingers. So, pray about it and take action next weekend.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch." What did he reply? "Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command, I will lower the nets." Perhaps, during our BSA this year, we might say to our Bishop that this year everything went up through the roof even chicken eggs Waffle House is adding a 50 cents per egg surcharge to customers’ bills, as the News reported. Gas prices went up, and restaurants’ dining went up too. But have faith in Jesus, we respond to our Bishop by offering a sacrifice for BSA this year by writing a check, and don’t forget to write in the memo for St. Paul the Apostle Parish.
What happened when Simon listened to Jesus and lowered the nets, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing. What if Simon Peter hadn’t done what Jesus asked, they might not have fish. What if Simon was tired and didn’t do exactly what Jesus commanded him, did they still catch fish? They would lower the nets right there and not in the deep water, but they still caught a great number of fish. Why? Because they had faith in Jesus even with a small effort. Our BSA will be successful when each one of us willingly contributes a small sacrifice to write a check for BSA, and our reward will be in heaven and it’s everlasting.
When Simon Peter saw the great number of fish they caught by just doing what J commanded them, he fell at the knees of Jesus and said, "Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man." Jesus said to him, “Do not be afraid.” They left everything and followed him. When we sacrifice for one another, especially to help our bishop in this BSA, we will receive many blessings in our Christian lives. For example, we have a place to come to worship the Lord every day. We can send our children to come to learn the faith. Our children have a safe place to learn about God and a safe environment to interact with one another. Our children have a chance to explore the call for the priesthood or religious life. Our unfortunate brothers and sisters receive help and support from your generosity when we support our BSA. These are just a few examples of when we support our BSA.
Many of us are preparing to celebrate this Super Ball Weekend, but don’t forget to get ready to commit to our BSA next weekend. Can I count on you for your generosity towards our Bishop’s Stewardship Appeals this year? The decision is yours.